Wherever I go I will thank you. All the nations will hear my praise songs to you.
— Psalm 108:3

BraveEverywhere was the name the Father told me to give my ministry, when He told me to quit my job to be a missionary. He showed me the marginalised, forgotten and oppressed all over the world who were overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds, despite not knowing their value and worth to Him. These ones are the BRAVE ONES.

The mission of BraveEverywhere is first to love on these forgotten and hurting ones, to share the truth of the gospel through love in action. We bring healing to the broken and serve the practical needs of the communities to this end. We also seek to equip the local church as they play a central role in discipling the nations.

Whether in church or out, it is our desire for each brave one to boldly take hold of the gospel for themselves, their families and their communities. We believe restoration through reconciliation makes this possible.

BraveEverywhere is a mission to reveal the one true God to the nations, one brave soul at a time.

Now I know that I am filled with my beloved and all his desires are fulfilled in me. Come away my lover, come with me to the faraway fields. We will run away together to the forgotten places and show them redeeming love.
— Song of Songs 7:10-11